start date July 17, 2022
map icon Il-Belt Valletta

Sweeney Todd

17/07/2022 - 24/07/2022
Teatru Manoel,Il-Belt Valletta

Sweeney Todd

Din il-prestazzjoni li se tkun qed issir fit-Teatru Manoel mis-17 sal-24 ta’ Lulju, hija bbażata fuq il-ktieb ta’ Hugh Wheeler u b’mużika u lirika ta’ Stephen Sondheim. Lucienne Camilleri se tkun qed tidderieġi din il-prestazzjoni u Ryan Paul Abela se jkun id-direttur mużikali.
Għall-biljetti idħol fuq

Event Spaker:

Led by the award-winning author of 100 Conversations for Career Success, and CEO of the career management firm.

Executive XpeedStudio LLC

Sr. Engineer XpeedStudio LLC

Product Lead XpeedStudio LLC

Venue Direction:

From the moment you embark on a job search, you are inundated with “do this, do that,” by well-intentioned friends and colleagues. But, all of those random

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