Grupp ta’ għaxra mill-aqwa mużiċisti Maltin u session artists mir-Renju Unit jingħaqdu taħt id-direzzjoni kreattiva tal-kompożitur u mużiċist li jdoqq diversi strumenti, Kyle Drakard f’dan ix-xenarju mużikali li jinseġ il-mużika Jazz, Rock, World Music, Funk u aktar. Soundscapes hija serata ta’ armoniji u vjaġġ mill-isbaħ ma’ dawn il-mużiċisti bravi.
Event Spaker:
Led by the award-winning author of 100 Conversations for Career Success, and CEO of the career management firm.
Executive XpeedStudio LLC
Sr. Engineer XpeedStudio LLC
Product Lead XpeedStudio LLC
Venue Direction:
From the moment you embark on a job search, you are inundated with “do this, do that,” by well-intentioned friends and colleagues. But, all of those random
360° Live Tour:
From the moment you embark on a job search, you are inundated with “do this, do that,” by well-intentioned friends and colleagues. But, all of those random