Call for applications to perform duties as Executive (Programming and Production – EU Funding and Procurement) at the Valletta Cultural Agency (VCA)
The Agency is seeking applications from suitable candidates to perform duties as Executive (Programming and Production - EU Funding and…
Call for applications to perform duties as Senior Officer (HRM) at the Valletta Cultural Agency (VCA)
The Valletta Cultural Agency is seeking applications from suitable candidates to perform duties as Senior Officer (HRM).
Call for Production Coordinator Services
The services of a Production Coordinator are required at the VCA, with an average of 40 hours of service per…
Call for Assistant Production Coordinator Services
The services of an Assistant Production Coordinator are required at the VCA, with an average of 40 hours of service…
Call for Operations and IT Coordinator
Call for applications to perform duties as Operations and IT Coordinator at the Valletta Cultural Agency (VCA) Nomenclatures denoting the…
Call for Assistant Programming Coordinator Services
The services of an Assistant Programming Coordinator are required at the VCA, with an average of 40 hours of service…