As Malta’s capital, Valletta stands proudly as a UNESCO World Heritage Site and former European Capital of Culture, Valletta Cultural Agency CEO Catherine Tabone speaks about her role highlighting: “My…
The “Sharing a Green Travel Plan Culture” roundtable and workshop took place at the Valletta Design Cluster on the 18th of November 2022, and it was structured in 3 phases:…
The event proposed by the Magna Żmien Foundation in collaboration with the Valletta Cultural Agency inaugurates the printing and public display at the Valletta Design Cluster of the beautiful image…
The theme for this year’s edition of the Malta Green Festival is the importance of public spaces, the protection of natural habitats and the effect this has on the flora…
X’se jkun qed isir fil-Belt Valletta? Il-ħajja ta’ Tony Drago hija waħda interessanti ferm u waħda li ħalliet impatt qawwi fid-dinja tal-isnooker. Teatru Malta, f’koproduzzjoni mal-Aġenzija Kulturali għall-Belt Valletta ħassew…
An essay penned by Italian art critic, art historian, politician, cultural commentator and television personality Vittorio Sgarbi.
The Valletta Cultural Agency proudly presents Swedish Baritone of world fame John Lundgren, in a concert of works by the great composers of the classic and romantic eras including Mozart,…
The Valletta Design Cluster is participating in the Climate Action Awards organised by the Ministry for the Environment, Climate Change and Planning. Hit the Facebook Like button and share the…
Valletta still lives up to its expectation as the island’s cultural capital and a European landmark. Despite the pandemic having left its mark, with outdoor concerts and events now making…